Friday, July 12, 2013

Speaking of Zimmerman…

Can someone tell me why while Zimmerman is considering pleading to the lesser charge of Voluntary Manslaughter, and Marissa Alexander of Jacksonville was just sentenced to twenty years in prison for firing warning shots! Yes that’s right. Marissa Alexander was in her home being brutally assaulted by her husband of whom she already had a protective order against. She fired warning shots coming nowhere near her assailant. Yet even though she has no criminal record and clearly acted in self defense, she has been convicted of attempted murder and charged to twenty years in prison. You’ve got to be freaking kidding me. Under Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law a victim is not required to first flee the situation and is able to defend one’s self immediately after feeling threatened. In other words if some black kid is looking at you crazy, have at ‘em! But if you are being assaulted and fear for your life and God forbid you make the mistake of being a minority, well then that law does not apply to you. Sorry.
[On March 10 of this year, around midnight, Ralph Wald, 70, of Brandon, Fla., got out of bed  to get a drink and found Walter Conley, 32, having sex with his wife, Johanna Lynn Flores, 41, in the living room. He immediately went back into his bedroom, grabbed his gun and shot Conley three times. Conley died. Wald claims that he thought Conley was a stranger who had broken in and was raping his wife – despite the fact that Conley lived next door, had been his wife’s roommate and lover, and had his wife’s name tattooed onto his neck and arm. During a 911 call, when the dispatcher asked Wald if the man he shot was dead, Wald responded, “I hope so!” TUESDAY, JUN 11, 2013“Stand your ground” law helps white defendants a lot more than black ones BY KATIE HALPER
Both people used the “Stand Your Ground” defense… White guy goes free, Black woman goes to jail for 20 years, keeps abusive man on streets and leaves 11 year old girl motherless. The awesome power of our justice system: Justice is blind indeed. 

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