Saturday, July 13, 2013

"I've said repeatedly that America doesn't torture, and I'm going to make sure that we don't torture…”

Among other things one of the President's promises to American citizens made during both campaigns was the closing Guantanamo bay. Not only has he not done that, but he HAS closed the office of the committee to close Guantanamo Bay. Hm…. 

On July 8th Obama issued a special message to “Muslims around the world” which ended in the statement… “I wish Muslims across America and around the world a month blessed with the joys of family, peace and understanding. Ramadan Kareem.” Well… isn't that special! The man who ordered the forced feeding of inmates so fed up with their living conditions they chose to die of starvation in protest rather than live under Obamas rule of terror. Men held for indefinite amounts of time, without fair trial, without formal charges being brought against them; Men who just want to see their families, men who just want to feel the warmth of the sun and to be treated as human beings. But no Instead in this holy month the death lord Obama continues the predator drone death strikes that have killed countless innocents in the Middle East including children. So yes on this occasion let us remember the men stolen from their homes and held against their will after being stripped of every human right. Let us remember the women who lost their children to America’s War of Terror, oh excuse me, War ON Terror. Someone help us.

166 detainees are still in Guantanamo, of whom 106 are on hunger strike, of which 45 are “on the enteral feed list”, according to the prison’s authorities. The hunger strike began in February after guards allegedly interfered with the inmates personal belongings, including the mishandling of Korans.
Younous Chekkouri, who has spent 11 years in the jail for being a suspected terrorist despite being cleared for release in 2010, complains to his lawyer that Guantanamo guards are now punishing him and other hunger strikers with extremely invasive invasive body searches. 

The searches, as they like to call them, are spreading fear and shame. Eight guards with the watch commander surround me in one room, while two of them put their hands all over me. The sexual assault hasn't just happened to me. Why are they doing this? That’s what I’d like to know,” he told Cori Crider, who is also the strategic director for London based legal action charity Reprieve, in a letter obtained by Al Jazeera.

Anne Richardson, a lawyer for one of the detainees, told RT in June that the inmates are being subjected to freezing temperatures in their cells and made to choose between shower and sleep, “punished and treated like animals.”         

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