Monday, January 14, 2013


Ever sit back and wonder who you are? I mean really sit back and ask yourself  "Who In The Hail Am I?" If you took the time to really ask then ponder that question honestly, after first establishing this criteria...., first ask yourself if, anytime in recent memory have you found yourself transgressing bounds?

Have you conned stolen, cursed, lied, cheated or, served someone who needed you, given to a charity, or just randomly done something to advance other's cause?

Depending of course what you get after messaging the info you've collected about yourself, you may just find that you do not like you, scaryDON huh? yea, when I took my advice and took inventory, faced mys"sign so that I may know my mission and therefore embrace my fate, and boy did I get one,  as I went about my day, opening the garage door for the third time this week and, as I was sorting some things when I noticed not for the first time, nor the second but,  for the third time in a week, a little teeny tiny spider attached itself to the bridge of my glasses...the very first time this occurred was a few days ago when a spider of very similar size and shape descended from my eye glass rim only to be carried off by me over to a fire extinguisher case that was hanging on the wall, I released it to be about it's business and, when on to go about mine.

As I mentioned it happened a second and by the third time I said to myself,  "What The Hail Is going on here?" By the time I released the spider for the third time I was thoroughly convinced that either I was going crazy or, there was something highly spiritual going on at that time, so as I walked the teeny tiny little spider over towards the fire extinguisher and after I place it very gently on the very top of it, I had a conversation with it, one sided of course, it went something like this, "Spider what are you trying to tell me?" "I know there has to be a purpose?" "Spider, what are you trying to tell me?" the spider didn't answer,  can you imagine if you where to have walked down the street  and saw what it would appear to be is me having a conversation with the fire extinguisher, It would have been hilarious!

Now why do you think this spider/s appeared on my eyeglass frame for three days in a row? is it because I spared it's life and it returned to thank me? You may be shocked and, think that I'm crazy but, there are many scriptures attributed to the spider and it would be wise to take a look at what it has to say and, as it pertains to me, those scriptures where saying that I needed to get my act together, you don't have much time, I need to step up to the place, embrace your manhood and your family!

I have taken heed!

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